Saturday, 4 October 2014

"It's on the map!"

It's all appointments at the moment...

  • up to london scans, follow up appointments to do with the scans, to see if  
  • slightly less of a distance to go to the orthotist, a rather nice man who says I have foot drop caused by ankle contracture and will need foot splints, 
  • getting plastered (the local hospital even has a room for getting plastered in!), 
  • splint fittings, 
  • chiropodists (who aren't sure quite what to do with me at the moment... cut me toe(nail)s off or... ooo hope they don't cut my feet off and have done with it... will make the splints rather redundant!) 
  • and last but certainly not least... the Speech and Language Therapist to see if anything can be done about my body's rather unfortunate habit of trying to choke me (food, drink, spit... anything that comes to hand at the moment... it really isn't very fussy)....
Anyway... having got the letter about the appointment for the SaLT... Jill (my new victim... ahem! I mean carer... or if one is feeling posh Personal Assistant) enquired as to the location of the appointment. My answer "It's on the map."  Apparently I said something v hilarious... but really... asking a person who has the sense of direction of a mole that has been dragged out of its hole and bashed over the head (giving it a jolly good headache not to mention a bit of a concussion...)... where somewhere that they've never been to before is...

Well... the nice people who typed the letter have highlighted the location that we need to reach in a nice shade of purple. I am confident that finding it will deepen  Jill's knowledge of Rochford, Essex, even further. So... the appointment will serve a dual purpose... and all will be well that ends well. Hurrah! 

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