Monday, 6 October 2014

Is it a phone? Is it a remote control? Only Smarties have the answer!

This all started with one of those annoying phone calls where someone from another country... with a distinctly non English accent... tries to get you to believe that there is something amiss with something you own... Which of course there isn't... and you know there isn't... So the phone call wasn't particularly long... So far so good!

It all started going slightly amiss when I was trying to put the phone handset back in its little base thingy... My phone has a talent... (one that may be a little unusual... or quite common... I haven't done a survey of 100 people to find out... but it is DEFINITELY annoying!) ... it does backflips (possibly with triple salkos or other such artistic fripperies... I don't know... by the time it is doing such things... it is heading down the back of the small wheeled tidy that serves as a little table by my easychair... and I am unable to observe them) out of its base unit. 

Now... I am a little (ok a lot) limited in what I can do to retrieve my phone once it has shown off its talent.  Reaching forwards tends to demonstrate to me once again that my sitting/kneeling balance is rather non existant... and I end up having to be extricated from the predicament I have got myself in... still without the phone!  On this occasion the phone had flipped itself behind one of my craft wardrobes that is next to the little table it is usually on... This was discovered after several "here's the phone!" exclamations by Jill... who resurfaced holding... a now no longer used tv remote control... Personally I think she needs to go to Specsavers... as when she finally retrieved the dratted phone handset from its landing place... (with the aid of a ladle from the kitchen)  on comparing the  "phones " with the real deal... I am certain that  only the real deal actually looks anything LIKE a phone... But... I too am having interesting times with my vision at the moment... so... maybe we will just have to stick something really obvious on all phone handsets to identify them as phone handsets... and to stop me from picking up tv remotes... and going "Hello? Hello?" like a total and utter eejit... Failing that... The Smarties will have to be consulted!

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