Monday, 27 October 2014


Plane Lady!

You've heard of Crazy Cat Lady... (obsessed with cats...).... Well... Now... for your education... I announce there is a new woman on the block! Crazy Plane Lady is obsessed with... planes! (Simples! eh?) Or to be more specific... with photographing planes... 

How do I happen to come by knowledge of this fascinating (to other plane spotting folk) creature? I live very close to an airport... and have been sharing my house with her for the past 5/6 days. 

Crazy Plane Lady has this amazing ability to hear the sound of  planes... and know if they are approaching, going in the wrong direction... or just moving about on the tarmac at the airport... It's almost like she's got radar... "Stop! A plane is approaching! I'm gonna get a photo THIS time!" is an oft heard matter what is occurring... (Well almost no matter... I've not been abandoned in the shower... yet!)  

As is "Dog Nabbit (or something slightly earthier)...! It was going in completely the wrong direction!"  (This is a particularly fascinating thing about Crazy Plane Lady.... How did she know this? Surely the pilot would be heading in the right direction... or he (it's rarely a she) is really not a very good pilot!) 

So there you have it folks... Crazy Plane Lady... a woman who is determined to be like the Mounties and always get her photo of that plane... Or something like that... (if she takes to photographing men... and therefore "always gets her photo of that man"... you will hear it here first... once I've bailed her out of the nick for being a stalker!) I tell you... the person who figured out how to get a camera into a mobile phone... has a LOT to answer for! 

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