Thursday, 1 May 2014

Soooo much creativity!

I am overwhelmed at how many lovely people are sooooooooo creative and so generous as to share photos of the results of their creative outpourings on inspire and encourage others! Then there are others who devote goodness knows how many hours to devising sketches/card maps to inspire people (like me!) who have the creative urge.... and maybe  know a few card techniques... but don't really know where to start when it comes to deciding a card layout!  As well as also making examples to inspire and encourage!  That adds up to a LOT of fabulous creative people...!  In case any of you end up following me.... THANK YOU!!! 

 I  am... still... organising... BUT... I am nearer the starting creating cards end of  that path than the starting organising end... and I can see that possibly in the not too distant future I might have two paths running alongside each other... (an "organising" path and a "creativity" path).... sometimes crossing each other... always in harmony (I hope!)... When this occurs... I too will share photos of my efforts... I feel it is good to record things... especially when the practical item is something that will be used/given to someone else... This way you always have something to look back on... What DID creative people do before cameras were invented???

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