Monday, 19 May 2014

Order and....Disorder....

I can't quite believe I am typing this... but... my craft stash is organised! (Well... relatively... In comparison to how things were... there is a HUGE improvement... Still not at the stage of labelling storage boxes tho lol!) However there is a LARGE box of boxes creating quite an obstacle in the living room right now (the boxes inside the large (cardboard) box are of the transparent plastic A5 size nature... bought to temporarily house the newly unmounted rubber from  my traditional woodblock style stamps... of which I have quite a few... and then to be used for collecting all the bits I want for various cards BEFORE I start crafting... oh well that's the plan... LOL)  

As for other areas of my life... for example FUNS related areas... well disorder is still the order of the day... 

I am beginning to wonder if I will ever have a warm head again... and trying NOT to attract bemused looks when I go out wearing a thick fluffy top over my tshirt, despite the fact that it is actually blazing brilliant sunshine-y weather... (One could almost forget  one is living in the United Kingdom - not exactly famed for its sunshine... more for its rain... LOL) Alas... in true British fashion... this spring/summer type weather is not forecasted to last  till the end of the week... And then... well... we shall just have to wait and see when/if it decides to appear again... 

On a slight diversion... I really MUST get my camera equipment (nothing fancy folks! Just a second hand DSLR,  I am without a compact camera since last year when my "Little Nikki" as I have called disappeared... I am loopy enough to think it got jealous of the fact that "Big Nikki" (DSLR) had arrived on the scene - Nikki because both cameras were/are Nikons. It needn't have got jealous... I miss it! A compact camera is just the right size to pop in your handbag... great for snapping on the go!  I dream of owning/being owned by a Nikon CSC (Compact System Camera)... but will have to save up a LOT for that... ) in good working order and KEEP it that way! Then next spring when the cherry blossom is out I will be able to get some lovely photos of the trees in the neighbourhood... Ah... the musings of an aspiring (very) amateur photographer....!

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